I am really picky about the water I drink. Not in a princessy way, more in a flavour way. My taste-buds can pick up the tiniest inkling of chlorine; the bitterness of improperly filtered contaminants; and the overload of too many chemicals in tap water. When I lived in the prairies of Canada, I can remember how rich the tap water was. It was soooo yummy. Moving to Vancouver was such a change. And although the city has some of the best & safest drinking water in Canada, I have to say that after 17 years, I still can't bear to drink the stuff.

Then I discovered a particular brand of bottled water that quenches my thirst like no other. It's super cheap, is sourced & bottled in Canada, and is pretty much the only beverage I drink. Big Applause for Shopper's Drug Mart Bottled Spring Water.
Husband and I buy quarts of these jugs of water like we're stocking up for Armageddon. It's crazy I tell ya. We get some weird looks at the till, but it's well worth it.
Living in our new little mountain town, I have yet to develop a taste for the tap water. It tastes like dirt and makes me want to throw up. Some times after having drunk it, I actually have thrown up. So we continue to buy our water.
But today we are out of water. And there is a "Don't Drink the Water" advisory in town. And I am without a vehicle in which to go get more water. Milk is not going to help with my dehydration; pop = blech; alcohol will only bring on more dehydration... so I try grapefruit juice. Bad idea.
Here's hoping that Husband gets home soon with the next delivery of H2O....
Please know that this is a not an advertisement for Shopper's Drug Mart or their bottled spring water. I just really really love it, and really really need some...