Monday, January 31, 2011

we did it

good byes. no more apartment in the big city. no more being within a 20 minute walk to any awesome thing happening downtown. no more 24 hour life-style. no more shopping at some of the better stores on the west side of the rocky mountains, on a random afternoon. no more fancy restaurants or clubbing. no more traffic and loud crazy drunks. no more binners and potential bed bug infestations. no more chaos of bike lanes and road rage and busy sidewalks and packed transit. it is no more.
we moved 100% out. all of it. all the garbage. all the crap. all the dirt. all the plants. all the stuff we wanted to keep but couldn't. all the stuff we couldn't remember why we even kept.
we spent all weekend painting, scrubbing, vacuuming, wiping, spraying, squeegeeing, and more and more scrubbing to ensure we'd get the damage deposit back. The theme was, if it was paintable, paint over the dirt; if you could wash only one side and turn the thing to face the other way so landlord doesnt see, wash only one side; if looked 'man clean'* then it was clean enough for us.
and then it was time for packing the truck. to the point where we had to roll down windows in order to keep filling the thing because items would fall out when the door was open. i have no idea how we are going to unload. will power i suppose. i hope my back works tomorrow....
(*i mean this in the least offensive way, and most general of ways: so you know when {in general} a guy cleans something, it is usually a quick swipe with his hand, or with a paper towel, which may or may not be wet, and all done. When a woman cleans the same thing, she {generally} tends to use some sort of scented spray, a cloth and clean it until said item looks clean enough that her mother-in-law won't judge her on the cleanliness of the house. Our landlord doing the inspection is a super lazy twenty something who couldn't care any less about his job. We figured as long as the place appeared clean when we signed for our deposit, there is nothing they can do. It worked like a charm)
off to bed. to rest my weary body. love.

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