Saturday, November 17, 2012

10 years and Counting

Husband and I celebrated 10 years of being together, earlier this month.
Ten. Years.
Ten Christmas's.
Ten Birthday's (each).
Ten Winters, Springs, Summers and Falls.
We started off as a one-night stand, and never let each other go. There have been so many ups and downs. After moving in together exactly one year after meeting; moving from the big city to a tiny little town; adopting a fish, a frog, 2 cats, and a dog together; combating my crazy; battling lost jobs, new jobs, toxic jobs, & every job in between; getting married in Vegas; family deaths, divorces, and marriages; travelling through Europe, BC, and all over the US;  we have shared many highlights and lowlights. Nights spent in, canoodling; spent out, partying; spent together and apart; spent abroad, spent locally, spent with friends and family. We have built so many memories in our decade together, and are about to embark on a whole new chapter with the addition of our first child next spring.
Husband is my best friend, my rock star, my soul mate.
I can't imagine my self with out him. And I never want to.
Love you bitch. Cheers to ten to the power of ten more years.

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