Friday, January 27, 2012

Test Test Test, Are These Things Working or What?

I met my new family dr today. A very nice fellow from England. I haven't had my own dr in 18 years - hurrah to walk-in clinics - so having someone who I can spill my medical beans to is such a stress relief. I've felt like I've been just a number to all of the past doc's I've seen, thus I haven't been forthcoming in all of my ailments and 'can you please fix this'isms.
Today I finally talked about getting my baby making area checked out. Husband & I have always had the pregnancy philosophy of 'if it happens, it happens' and rarely, if ever, use any birth control. Six years later we are still baby free (not that there is anything wrong with that) and we are starting to wonder if it's us that is broken, instead of the universe telling us it's not our time just yet.
I get tested next week for my progesterone level, and a whole bunch of thyroid shit. Then comes the scraping and analyzing of my lady bits.
Fingers crossed I'm still a girl who can make a baby with my man. One day.
And if not, I will fill my house with puppies.

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