Sunday, February 19, 2012

An Obsession

I have been infatuated with peanut butter from the moment I was allowed to eat toast, as a toddler. The peanut-y flavour, the smooth yet sticky, and the 'goes with pretty much everything' attitude makes it my number one delicacy. Truth be told, it has to be the processed stuff - Kraft, Jiffy, Skippy - cause the natural stuff isn't my style. (Although I do like natural versions of other nut & seed butters, like almond, sunflower & get your mind out of the gutter.)

Since I stock up on peanut butter like a crazy cat lady does cats, I have been eating a lot of peanut butter sandwiches this past week. To keep things a little exciting, I sometimes add new ingredients to my sandwich. Here are some of the combos I did this week:
- PB & Triple Berry Jelly
- PB & Honey
- PB & Honey with Chocolate Chips
- PB & Chocolate Chips
- PB & Bacon

Other combos I have tried previously include:
- PB & plain potato chips
- PB & mayonnaise (sounds gross but is surprisingly good!)
- PB & summer sausage, cheddar cheese, and cool ranch doritos
- PB & summer sausage and mozzarella
- PB & butter
- PB & honey and jam

I hope I haven't made you throw up. Husband thought I was crazy and disgusting UNTIL he tried PB & sausage and cheddar cheese. Now he is a PB Believer.

How about you? Would you try any of my sandwiches? What is your most bizarre or unique sandwich creation? (a million pts if it has peanut butter)

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