Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Hurt Felt 'Round The World

Yesterday after I blathered my words upon the page, I noticed that many more in the blog world were going thru (or recently had) a slip back into the darkness. ( described her descent as slowly walking into water, flailing not to drown in the deep before you realize what is happening. ( described hers as being in a hole. A pit of despair that seems impossible to escape.
The replies in both blogs' comments section are insanely courageous and heartwarming and kind. People sharing their stories of guilt & grief; sadness & despair. The support was so genuine and sincere.
Sometimes I pretend it's for me. Even tho it's not, the relief of not having to burden my friends and family with my troubles helps take the pressure off. Cause I am the strong one. At least that's what I try to keep telling myself....

1 comment:

  1. The blogosphere is one of those places where, when you share things, you can feel so vulnerable and so safe at the same time. There's unquestionably comfort in numbers.
